Friday, April 22, 2016

Realtors, Want to Hand Over More Keys? ... Secrets To Getting Referrals on Autopilot

Buying a home is the most important purchase we'll ever make. After all, home ownership is part of the American Dream."The house with a white picket fence." Well, not everyone needs the white picket fence, but everyone needs and longs for a place to call home. 

For the first-time home buyer, it's especially important. And since real estate is such a big (decision) investment, the Realtor is equally important. Who should they work with? 

Truthfully, real estate agents are "a dime a dozen." There are tons of them and they're not hard to find. So how can they find you?


Someone that comes highly recommended. How can you become the person they are looking for and more importantly, the person they will boast about and highly recommend to others? 

Let's face it, after you sell "this house," you'll have to sell another. And another, and another. You already know that. How long do you want to wait between sales?

Do you want to hand over more keys to more home owners this year? Start "handing over appreciation." A valued client will become a lifelong client. When you begin to implement "appreciation marketing" into your plan of business, then your business plans will change. 

The world is a big place, a big selling ground. Many Realtor use this "Appreciation Marketing" system and they love it! It brings satisfying results on both ends. 

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

You can become a top producer and get you the results you're really looking for. We can help you get started. Visit our website. Let's connect and actually change the world- one card, one act of appreciation at a time. When has kindness ever failed? 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Photography- 5 Ways to Ensure You Get Referred

You love what you do and your darn good at it! You have the ability to capture life at it's greatest moments and make them incredibly beautiful!

You've entertained clients and witnessed their joy with your finished product- each one being "a masterpiece." Your profession is unique. It creates memorable, long lasting impressions but like most, you struggle to reach more clients. This is where we can help.

If you want to stand out in your niche market, you must do something quite different than the others. 

The bottom line is, we all want more referrals. Here are 5 ways to ensure your name will be at the top of mind when it comes to you and your photography business. 

People will go out of their way to promote you, when you:


This might seem like an obvious gesture, but how many people do it? Be creative- use a photo from their shoot they haven't yet seen. I guarantee they will never throw that card away. 

(Place your logo on the back of these personalized cards) 


Because people love to be appreciated and celebrated. 

2) Send your client a card and BROWNIES for their birthday. 

Our system keeps track of addresses & birthdays & allows you to send brownies & other gifts.

Would you remember your photographer if they sent you brownies and a card for your birthday? I really think so.  Would they tell someone about you? More than once. 


Because people love to be appreciated and celebrated. 
(And you want referrals.)

3) Send out cards with special offers and or promotions.

Our cards are an inexpensive way to use direct mail advertising. You have the option of customizing a card with your offers. You can also set up any card to be mailed whenever you want them to go out. (Our system mails them for you, it's about a dollar a card plus a stamp) 


Because people love to be appreciated and celebrated. 
Because there is always an upcoming event like a wedding etc. and your promotion will stand out the most. They will recommend you to someone or they will call on your services again for themselves.  

4) Send out holiday cards throughout the year, not just during Christmas.

There are many holidays that warrant a card. If you want to be remembered, the best way is to remember them. Cards put you (and your profession) at the top of their mind.  That means your name comes up first when they converse with others when the need arises for your service. 

I think you can see by now, "why this works." 

5) Take your photography business to the next level! 

Our system allows you to put your images on canvas or create personalized calendars, coffee mugs etc. These make great gifts as well as something you could market to them. 

Being nice to your clients is the normal thing to do, why not go beyond "nice" to being extraordinary.  

For more information on creating custom cards and having us mail them for you, visit our website (or send a free card) at:

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Fortune is in Relationships (The Follow Up)

If you're in any kind of business, you've most likely heard this phrase: The fortune is in the follow up. 

We all know that to be true. If you want to get a response or a decision from anyone, you need to FOLLOW UP. 

Now, FIRST of all, the person that you are following up with- aka...the "follow-up-ee" (yes, I made that up) is not only responding to your offer, but perhaps they are responding to YOU. 

You may have heard this statement: "People are not rejecting you, they're rejecting the opportunity." This is true in some cases, but not all. Because there is also another element here, and that is your 
RELATIONSHIP with that individual. 

"PEOPLE do business with people they KNOW, LIKE & TRUST."
So, in order to see more results in our business, we need to do 3 things.

1) Get to know people. What do they like and enjoy? What are their goals? 

2) Get them to like you. Be genuine. Be patient. Be kind.

3) Earn their trust. Become trustworthy. Be honest. Be real. 

YES, following up is essential, but having a good relationship with that person is key.

Without the follow up, there can be no "step two."  Because of today's busy lifestyle it's seldom to have a prospect that will take action without some sort of follow through. 

This will not only remind them of the beneficial aspects of your product/service, but it will remind them of YOU. 

When you meet with someone, whether for business or pleasure, it's proper etiquette to thank them.  Everyone likes to be appreciated and valued. 

You can enhance relationships both personal and professional by becoming an APPRECIATOR and practicing APPRECIATION.

One way can be to Send a thank-you card. Tell them you enjoyed meeting with them. Give a genuine compliment and be sincere. This will set you apart and you will be remembered.  

Follow up with a greeting card and get results. Do you know how easy and effective this is?  

What if... you had a "relationship building system" that helps you build relationships?

What started sending real, heartfelt cards? AND -you don't have to address the card, stamp the card, or even mail the card? 

What if...

You had a system that keeps track of addresses and important dates such as birthdays, anniversaries etc?

What if...

You just pick out a card or create one, then just sign it and click SEND?  (Ask me about the "magic" of the "send" button)


This is an effective follow up (relationship) system that puts your name at the top of mind. 

How would you feel if you were on the receiving end and got a card and a box of brownies in your (real) mailbox? Actually, your head would be spinning. Because most people don't reach out in kindness like that these days. (But you're not like most people)

I personally love our system! I'd like to help you succeed in relationships and or business. I invite you to visit my website and take a look. There is also an option to send a free card and try it out.  

.98 cents each plus a stamp! WAY LESS expensive than any store, and very HIGH QUALITY! 

(and remember- they are mailed for you, that's insane!!) 

The fortune is in the follow up! Your real fortunes will be those lasting relationships that flourish.
By the way, if you're looking for referrals- they will come naturally.

Click on the link below:  




Sunday, April 3, 2016

Build a Flourishing Business Through the Simple Art of Being Kind

Whether you're a physician, a beautician, a franchise owner, or an insurance salesman- if you're not implementing a marketing strategy of kindness and appreciation regularly- your business might as well have a revolving door. 

Without this vital ingredient called "relationship marketing,"
people will tend to leave quickly and may not return.

KINDNESS-Is defined as: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. It seems so simple right? It's what we were taught as children- hopefully. "What do you say now Susie?... "Say thank-you." 

A verbal thank you is certainly where it starts, but there's much more you can do that will set your business apart and create an "open door"- a place, a product, or service that people (loyal customers) won't want to leave. 

Think about this. Most retailers recognize they need to implement some type of strategy for customer retention. Such is the case with all of the "reward cards" they offer. Your wallet and key-chain is probably full of them. But do they really work?

I don't believe they're really that effective. People can recognize a gimmick a mile away. Plus they really don't amount to anything valuable anyway. 

OK, so back to kindness. By the way, you can't pretend to be kind. You have to actually mean it. The bible calls kindness a "fruit."
"But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness..."  - Galatians 5:22 

All fruit starts in the ground. We cultivate, plant & water, then receive the harvest. In order to harvest or experience a profitable flow of booming business, you must plant or implement a strategy that will bring you desired results.

Remember "The Golden Rule?" 

How does it make you feel to be appreciated? How do you feel when you're recognized, celebrated, loved and remembered? It feels good. Everyone craves this. 

Do this with your customers/clients on a regular basis and you will...NEVER EXPERIENCE A DOWNTURN IN YOUR BUSINESS. 

If you are genuine, they will smell the sweet fragrance of gratitude and generosity. If you're not, know what they'll smell- perhaps something rotten.

When you send out heartfelt cards and/or gifts it makes people feel special. That's how you like to feel :) 

And guess who will be the first one they remember when you need a referral? YOU and your place of business. You will be highly recommended and valued. 

Here's a simple system you can use to get started:
Check it out for yourself...

Thanks for visiting my blog!

May your business flourish & continue to grow!