Saturday, February 20, 2016

How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back- A Simple System for Customer Retention & Referrals

Every business owner is aware of their biggest company asset- the customer. These special people called consumers, are the lifeblood and strength of any and all types of business. Without a continuous flow of revenue from them, a business can not survive.


The common goal of any business owner is to turn a first time customer into a loyal customer, one that keeps coming back and sticks around! 

Let's say you're getting ready to open and launch a new business venture. It's your "Grand Opening" today and here comes your very first customers. I bet that you're going to treat them with utmost respect and extra special care. After all, this is just the beginning. As they are walking out, the most widely used phrase is extended:  

"Have a Nice Day & Come Back Soon"  

They may or may not "come back soon," they may never come back. One of the best ways to increase your odds of getting loyal, repeat customers is to implement a system of appreciation for each customer with genuine concern.

The saying is true: 
People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
There are many ways to show appreciation. One of the best ways is to "send a card." !

Card sending has become very rare these days. However, that is what sets the standard. Either you will be common, or uncommon, ordinary or extraordinary.  E-cards are NOT EFFECTIVE.

Allow me to introduce you to a simple, affordable system of "card sending" that will help you retain customers, and get new referrals from those highly satisfied, (appreciated) customers. 


Remember what I said: SIMPLE & AFFORDABLE

Your own "contact manager"
Keeps track of birthdays, anniversaries, follow ups, etc.
Cards cost approximately $1.49 each 
You don't have to: 

Drive to buy cards
Address the cards
stamp the card
or even mail the card.
It's done for you! 

What do you do?

Choose a card
Hit the "SEND CARD" button

Try it today for FREE:

Saturday, February 13, 2016

You'll Never Forget Another Birthday or Anniversary!

Hit the "Send" button and create smiles! 

This simple card-sending system is truly the best way to send a card.!

* Keeps track of birthdays, addresses, and contacts.

AND... these cards are:

* Printed, stuffed, addressed, stamped, and mailed...


E-CARDS are shallow- REAL CARDS deeply inspire.

You know, the kind with a genuine heartfelt message that inspires, encourages and celebrates people.   



The power of a greeting card...

By appreciating others and celebrating what matters to them...

you'll find that your current customers will stick 

around...and they will become your best referring "agents."

It's called "Appreciation Marketing"

Keep in touch with clients. 

* Get business referrals